How BrightPay Connect is helping with GDPR
Our add-on, BrightPay Connect is an online payroll and HR self-service tool that offers significant benefits to help your business or practice comply with GDPR legislation. Accountants, employers and employees can instantly access their payroll information, enabling many routine payroll and HR related tasks to be automated.
Employees can easily view their own payroll and HR data in a secure environment online via a web browser anytime and anywhere. The BrightPay Connect self-service features help you to spend less time managing the day-to-day admin of payroll and HR. BrightPay Connect significantly increases the efficiency and effectiveness of payroll work within the remit of the GDPR guidelines.
Award Winning Payroll Software
The biggest GDPR advantages of BrightPay Connect are:

Bureau / Employer Dashboard
Accountants and employers can access their payroll information on the self-service dashboard at any time. BrightPay Connect provides a remote and secure online portal to payslips, payroll reports, amounts due to HMRC, annual leave requests and employee contact details. The online dashboard allows for an easy and secure way for accountants and employers to share documents, upload HR documents and get client timesheet approval electronically.

Employee Self-Service Portal
Invite employees to their own self-service online portal which can be accessed through a smartphone app or any browser. BrightPay Connect provides employees with direct access to his or her personal data offering cloud protection. Employees can securely view and download payslips, P60s, P45s, easily submit holiday requests and view leave taken and leave remaining.

Automatic Cloud Backup
It is important to keep a copy of payroll files safe and protected in the event of fire, theft, damaged computers or cyber-attacks. BrightPay Connect is powered using the latest web technologies and hosted on Microsoft Azure for ultimate performance, reliability and scalability. BrightPay Connect maintains a chronological history of all backups which can be restored or downloaded anytime, keeping client payroll records safely stored.

24/7 Online Access
BrightPay Connect allows mobile and online access to payroll data anytime and anywhere for both employers and employees. This fulfils the GDPR best practice recommendation to provide remote access to a secure system where individuals have direct access to their personal payroll data. For payroll bureaus, the cloud flexibility enables a superior client collaboration and gives instant value to your client relationships.

Integration with Payroll
BrightPay Connect is fully integrated with BrightPay payroll ensuring the payroll data is correct at all times. The employee leave calendar, changes to employee contact details, employee payslips and payroll reports are all automatically updated and synchronised between both the payroll software and BrightPay Connect.

HR & Annual Leave Management
Employers can view all upcoming leave in the company-wide calendar. Employers or HR managers can easily authorise leave requests with changes automatically flowing back to the payroll software. Employers can upload sensitive HR documents such as contracts of employment, with the ability to restrict certain users from accessing confidential information.

Bureau Timesheet Upload
For bureaus, payroll clients can upload their employees’ hours and timesheets offering an additional layer of GDPR protection for your clients’ payroll information. Once the timesheet hours are added or imported they can be automatically synchronized to the employer file ready for processing. Bureaus can then securely send back to the client for approval through BrightPay Connect. This automation eliminates the email and document exchange providing a more secure and accurate recording of the timesheets and hours.
Customer Testimonials
“I am extremely impressed with the quality of the product, the excellent friendly customer support, and the pricing structure. The BrightPay Connect self-service platform is fantastic for delivering reports and payslips by secure means.”
Michael Wilson, Meiring Chartered Certified Accountants
“BrightPay Connect, oh my goodness, not only do we love BrightPay Connect, but our clients and their employees love it too! One of our clients is new to BrightPay Connect this year so he asked for instructions to be emailed to the staff. I emailed them out within about 10 minutes but it was already too late; the employees had already got themselves up & running. If that’s not a testimonial to how easy it is to use, I don’t know what is!”
Annamarie Angell, Deadline Accounting Ltd
“I've got to say BrightPay Connect is one of the best payroll portals I have used! I really like the new documents feature and I have been using it quite a bit recently. I'm really looking forward to the timesheet function too.”
Kevin Waller, Strutt and Parker LLP