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Jun 2016


Bringing forward your Staging Date - Changes by The Pensions Regulator

An employer who wanted to bring their staging date forward had previously to give The Pensions Regulator (TPR) notice of one month. Employers are no longer required to give The Pensions Regulator one month's notice. If an employer wants to bring forward their staging date now they will still have to notify the Pensions Regulator but only will have to do so at any time on or before their new staging date.

But employers who do have employees for automatic enrolment need to agree the date with the Pensions Regulator and like all staging dates it has to be the 1st day of the month. Employers with no employees for automatic enrolment can bring forward their staging date to a date of their choice and also complete their declaration of compliance at the same time thus fulfilling their automatic enrolment duties as an employer. The requirement for employers with no employees for automatic enrolment to set up a pension scheme is no longer required. They only need to do this once they have an employee for automatic enrolment purposes.

Posted byDebbie ClarkeinAuto EnrolmentPayroll Software